EUNIC (European Union National Institutes for Culture) is an European network of national cultural institutes with 39 members from all EU and associated countries. EUNIC members work in the fields of culture, art, language, education, science, society as well as multicultural dialogue and development. At a local level, EUNIC members currently form 140 clusters – in more than 100 countries around the world to work together on joint cultural projects and programmes and to support the role of culture in internal and external relations of the EU.

The Czech Centres have been a EUNIC member since its establishment in 2006. The EUNIC membership helps to strengthen the prestige of Czechia in international cultural projects and enables the benefits of the exchange of expert knowledge and experience as well as the funding from the network.

EUNIC is based in Brussels, where the EUNIC Office operates, and financed by the proportionate membership fees.

  • For more information about EUNIC visit its website.

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