Key documents on EUNIC

Find general documents on EUNIC operation as an institution.

Statut EUNIC

EUNIC Statutes have been last updated in 2021 as a part of the adjustment of the British Council position within EUNIC network (due to brexit). Statutes are available in English and French.

Eunic Strategic Framework 2020–2024

In EUNIC Strategic Framework a mission, a vision, values and main goals of EUNIC for specific period are formulated.

Partnership between EU and EUNIC in a nutshell

The brochure contains brief information on the evolution of EUNIC-EU relations including the milestone in 2017 when the partnership agreement between EUNIC, European Commission and European External Action Service was signed.

EUNIC Cluster Guidelines

Cluster Guidelines provide the key information especially on EUNIC clusters where the cooperation between cultural institutes and local partners on joint projects takes place.

  More resources on EUNIC and its running can be found here.   


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