Michael Londesborough's invitation to the eighth episode of the Global Science Café was accepted by shoe designer and winner of this year's national final of the FameLab science competition Oldřich Vojta. The talented young designer linked the beauty of footwear with scientific processes and the workings of the human body.
The live streaming of the 8th episode of Global Science Café entitled Footwear Science will take place from Faculty of Electrical Engineering (CTU Prague ) via
Invitation was accepted by:
The guest of the 8th episode of Global Science Café will be shoe designer and winner of this year's national final of the FameLab science competition Oldřich Vojta.
He studied Footwear Design at Tomas Bata University (UTB) in Zlín. He is now continuing his doctoral studies, where he is focusing on the implementation of technology in footwear at the Faculty of Technology of UTB. With his project Zonal Personalized Footwear he won the 1st prize in the national final of the FameLab scientific competition. For several years he worked as a senior designer in Beijing, at VO5 studio and at design&technology studio DeFacto, where he won the main award at the Red Dot Award 2018 for his wearable high-tech anti-smog mask project. He regularly presents his work in the world and in the Czech Republic. In the past he has participated in Beijing Design Week, London Fashion Week, Milano Design Week, Consumer Electronic Show - CES in Las Vegas, 3D Expo in Paris, Designblok, Mercedes Benz Prague Fashion Week, etc.
Oldřich is also a graduate of the Dance Conservatory in Prague. He is also an alumnus of the Prague Conservatory of Dance, thanks to which he spent several years on stages in theatres in the Czech Republic and abroad: National Theatre in Prague, Estates Theatre, State Opera in Prague, Karlín Music Theatre, J. K. Tyl Theatre in Pilsen, National Centre for the Performing Arts (China), etc.
The themes of his work are usually inspired by the lines of the human body, which are based on the biomechanics of movement, from which design as such is based.
More about Oldřich here.
Global Science Café Czech Centres (GSC) is a series of popular science lectures and debates with the best Czech scientists, innovators, economists and other professionals. It is organized by the Czech Centres and shared within the entire network. It is an informal forum for discussing current scientific and societal issues.