30. 10. Press release
The Made in Prague Festival delivers the best of contemporary Czech culture to London audiences

The Made in Prague Festival delivers the best of contemporary Czech culture to London audiences

The Made in Prague Festival returns to the UK capital with the best of contemporary Czech culture showcased in...

14. 6. Press release
Czech Centre is starting its activities in Taipei with a photography exhibition

Czech Centre is starting its activities in Taipei with a photography exhibition

The Czech Centre in Taipei starts its activities with an exhibition of iconic Czech photographs. In addition to the...

23. 5. Press release
České primadony v Met opeře © České centrum NY / Národní muzeum

Czech Prima Donnas at the Met Opera – National Museum of the Czech Republic presents the world-class achievements of Czech female opera singers in New York

As part of the Year of Czech Music, National Museum of the Czech Republic prepared a project for opera lovers that...

22. 5. Press release
Čestný odznak Zlaté pero © Ivo Chupetlovski

Tým Českého centra v Sofii obdržel čestný odznak Zlaté pero za přínos pro bulharskou kulturu a umění

V Sofii dne 21. 5. 2024 byl tým Českého centra v Sofii oceněn čestným odznakem „Zlaté pero“ za svůj významný přínos...

1. 12. Press release
Jitka Pánek Jurková, generální ředitelka Českých center a Jan Lipavský, ministr zahraničních věcí ČR © Česká centra

Minister Lipavský Appoints New Director General of the Czech Centres

Jitka Pánek Jurková has been appointed the new Director General of the Czech Centres. She takes on the role of...

14. 2. Press release
Highway Mindway © Athena Wang, Ateliér fotografie II - UMPRUM

HIGHWAY MINDWAY: Exhibition of students from the Royal College of Art, London, and UMPRUM, Prague

The Czech Centre London, in cooperation with the Royal College of Art and the Studio of Photography II of the Academy...

5. 4. Press release
© Czech That Film

Czech That Film 2022 LIVE & ON-LINE

The 11th annual showcase of Czech films in North America starts live and online.

29. 3. Press release


The Czech Centres (CC) have immediately responded to the Russian aggression against Ukraine by expressing support and...

20. 8. Press release

Czech Dance Films Under the New York Sky

The Prague Dance Film Festival, with a focus on “dance-for-camera films,” has put together a special screening of...

17. 6. Press release
Podcastová série EUNIC Londýn — EUNICAST: Inspirativní hlasy Evropy

[In Czech] Podcastová série EUNIC London se dostala do první dvacítky britského žebříčku

EUNICAST – Inspirativní hlasy Evropy bodují v mezinárodním prostředí

6. 5. Press release
Oelandt Savery Ráj/Paradise © Národní galerie Praha/National Gallery Prague

The Czech Centres Present the Collections of the National Gallery Prague to the World

The Czech Centres (CC) and the National Gallery Prague (NGP) present their joint project Highlights from the National...

20. 4. Press release
Czech That Film 10

Czech That Film ON LINE a „v novém“

10. ročník největší přehlídky českých filmů v Severní Americe startuje a opět on-line. Tentokráte však na nové...

13. 4. Press release
UNES-CO by Kateřina Šedá ONLINE

UNES-CO by Kateřina Šedá ONLINE

The closure of exhibition spaces of the Czech Centres (CC) in the world did not bring the end of exhibition...


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