The Czech Centres and the National Gallery Prague (NGP) present their joint project Highlights from the National Gallery Prague introducing selected works from the NGP collections in eleven videos. This cooperation was initiated by the Czech Centres seeking a succinct and visually powerful on-line project related to visual arts and the Czech milieu. The CC therefore invited the NGP to become a partner in a project introducing a representative selection of artworks from the NGP collections, displaying rich and diverse creations of Czech artists and outstanding works closely linked to the local cultural milieu. All the episodes are presented by art historian Veronika Wolf.
Individual works could be discovered through the online activities of the Czech Centres in Japan, Korea, Greece, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia, France, the Netherlands, Georgia, Israel, Austria, Spain and the USA. The project is also used in the network of Czech embassies.
The videos are available on the YouTube platform in the profile of the National Gallery Prague.