The Landscape Research & Residency Project is a new Live Performance Bazaar arts project which brings together artists, arts managers and producers with scientists. The aim is to promote activities for the protection and restoration of nature and to establish a dialogue between the artistic and scientific community in Central Europe and beyond.
Soil re-imagined open call invites to apply: interdisciplinary artists in performance, visual and conceptual arts, and scientists, urbanists, architects who are interested in the context of sustainable architecture, soil protection, urbanism and its connections to art.
The residency is open for 2 participants who are residents or have long-term stay and tax domicile in the Czech Republic. The residency will be conducted in English. Active participation in the entire period of the residency is a condition.
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Thank you for your favor and support in 2024. On behalf of Czech Centers, we wish you a peaceful and joyful Christmas...
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