Moving Towards the Future
The aim of the sports project is to motivate people to move through a sporting challenge in a minimalist or maximalist variant.
- The minimalist variant includes the sports challenge, which will be announced in all territories in September 2022. Participants will collect steps / kilometers for 1 month using a mobile application. When finished, the steps / kilometers in each country will be added up and we will see which country is approaching the future the fastest.
- The maximalist variant consists in arranging a specific sports happening (running, cycling race, etc.). In the territories, there is a connection with existing sports activities.
In selected territories, sports competitions will be accompanied by an exhibition or other accompanying programmes (lectures, workshops, movie screenings, etc.).
Exhibiton Zátopek … When you can’t keep going, go faster!
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world-famous runner Emil Zátopek, the exhibition Zátopek … When you can’t keep going, go faster! was prepared as part of the project. It is based on the comic book of the same name from the teamwork of Jaromír 99 and Jan Novák.
The presentation of the exhibition is planned within the programme of the following Czech Centres:
- Bratislava, London, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Paris, Rome, Soul, Stockholm, Tel Aviv, Tokio, Warsaw
Participating Czech Centres
- Paris (Emil Zátopek’s Run in Lyon Run in Lyon, 25. 9. 2022)
- Rome (Emil Zátopek’s New Year’s Run, 31. 12. 2022)
- Seoul (Son Kee-Chung·Emil Zátopek – Meet the Heroes Exhibition, 10. 8. – 7. 9. 2022)
- Stockholm (Preview of the book B jako běžec, 17. 11. 2022; Screening of the movie Zátopek, 18. 11. 2022; TraditionalVelvet Run, 19. 11. 2022)
- Tel Aviv (The story of Emil Zátopek, 16. 9. 2022 – 18. 10. 2022)
- Tokyo (Run with Europe for a cleaner world, 1. 7. – 31. 12.
- Warsaw (Exhibition Zátopek as a part of festival Kino na hranici/ granicy, 29. 4. – 3. 5. 2022; Sport event for diplomats in the beginning of the Presidency of the Czech Republic in EU, 1. 7. 2022)
Participating Embassies
- Abuja (Exhibition "Zátopek")
- Hong Kong (Sport Challeng, Exhibition "Zátopek")
- Stockholm ("Exhibition Zátopek" in cooperaiton with Czech Centre Stockholm)
- Washington (Czech Embassy Bike Challenge, 28. 9. – 28. 10.;Crossfit Challenge and support of the Sokol Run of the Republic)