In June, the Czech National Theatre and the Smetanova Litomyšl Festival co-hosted the prestigious Opera Europa Conference. Over 300 opera Directors and Managers from around the world gathered in Prague and Litomyšl to discuss the future of the genre with a particular focus on ways to re-engage the audience in the post-pandemic times. The exciting conference programme included not only panels and talks, but also the chance to see operas, visit the Rudolfinum and experience the Czech cuisine.
The Czech Centres have supported the attendance of 5 young opera managers from Germany, the Netherlands and Poland:
One of them, Łukasz Dobrowolski from the Baltic Opera in Gdansk, has shared his impressions with us.
Being invited to the Czech Republic by the Czech Centres was not only a great honour. Above all, it was a great chance to discover that country’s beautiful and exciting culture, with its operatic heritage and a thriving contemporary opera scene.
The city of Prague is one of Europe's most spectacular cities and a perfect choice of location for the Opera Europa summer conference. Národní divadlo’s repertoire offers opera at the highest level, which I could experience by seeing a powerful The Flying Dutchman and a very entertaining The Bartered Bride. Watching the latter was not only a thrilling artistic experience but also a social one: I could see how much the Czech audience was captivated by their national opera, which proves that 19th-century pieces can still be engaging when staged in a creative, entertaining way. The Czech sense of humour has always been highly appreciated in Poland, which made the evening even more enjoyable for me.
The highlight of my four-day stay, however, was Litomyšl and the Smetana Festival. Litomyšl is undoubtedly a true gem. It is a beautifully preserved site and I could feel how important it is for Czech cultural heritage. The hosts from Smetana 200 were absolutely wonderful and very hospitable. After an exciting tour by Ondřej Tikovský (a walking Smetana encyclopedia) and a conference panel, we had a chance to enjoy a sublime performance of Händel’s Messiah by Collegium 1704 in the palace courtyard.
My impressions from the whole trip? It was a wonderful encounter with Czech culture, history, and cuisine (the Moravian wines!). The Czech Republic is a model example of how to preserve, promote and cherish one’s country’s cultural heritage. All other European countries should follow your lead.
I am extremely grateful for the opportunity and I am definitely coming back as soon as possible!
Łukasz Dobrowolski
Baltic Opera in Gdansk (Poland)
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